gurong normal

gurong normal

Huwebes, Setyembre 22, 2011


“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.”

Technology is playing an increasingly important role in a child's education. But can it really replace the teacher? Well in fact, youth of today are living in the modern world of technology. Most of their daily routines depend on their gadgets and techno-things. But how can this affect their studies and school works?

With our Seminar-Workshop last September 18, 2011, we are able to understand and gain knowledge dealing with the appropriate approach and changes in the methods of teaching that may help us –prospective teachers- in our future career. With our resource speakers, Mr Reynald Cacho and Mr Joe Anthony Basco, we are able to learn and develop our knowledge around the internet and the sites we can use in preparation for the field we are going to.
We cannot deny the fact that children of today are more likely into technology. They used to be updated on everything in the internet, social networks and new gadgets. I may say, they are more advance in terms of using the modern technology than some of the teachers of today. In this case, how can we –future teachers- can get into the life of our future students if we are not able to cope with this new and modern way of learning? One of the most important things in teaching is to get along with your students, have a good relationship with them, and know their interest for us to be able to catch their attention and give them motivation. But then, how can these things be possible if we teachers are going to neglect this kind of development and changes?
Teachers today need to evolve as facilitators. Teachers need to use the human touch to channelize the students’ energy into the right direction. Technology gives an edge to teachers as well as students. Instead of viewing technology as a threat we teachers need to view it as an exciting opportunity!


Advancing the Philosophical Thoughts with the application of E-strategies as the benchmark in Learning of 21st Generation

Educators want to have a place to learn, which is a form of utopia. For their students enrich their knowledge and abilities to the utmost.
                According to the Says Law, “the supply makes its own diamond”. In application to our 21st learners, the effect of computers is unstoppable. Instead of arguing that computer and technology are bad influences to the learners let’s put it on a beneficial way by using the technology right and useful. Socrates stated that the problem of evil is the result of ignorance. We all know the dos and don’ts of life. So let’s use the technology right and a useful tool for education. Such as the E-learning process that helps the learners to understand their studies fully and clearly. At the same time, they are enjoying the use of it and exploring the necessity for their generation.


                As an e-teacher of Philippine Normal University, I am into the innovative and competence side. For the world is constantly changing, trending for the needs of students and making them fully understand and gain the insights and knowledge with the help of e-learning strategies. It will add the motivation and interest to the students. For they can manipulate computers and fully understand the subject matters. Because 21st century is really a modern computer generation.
                As Education is a necessity of life, Technology now is one of the must known subject to b included in the curriculum. For the school are surrounded by different technological equipment. It also minimize the time and efforts of students and teachers. For example is the use of different presentation, such as the e-games for assessment of the students. Wherein the teacher can put all the questions in the game so that the student can answer instantly and check afterwards.
E-Learning as a Social Function. As education provides the social environment that leads to the development of attitudes necessary for a continuous and progressive life. Netiquettes is required in E-learning.
As the school the school balances the social the social environment of each student they develop social function in e-learning. With the use of catechetical method, question and answer. E-learners can learn through online discussion by putting their questions into their laptop or thinkpad and it will be answered online or personally by discussion. A e-learner has on active lifestyle, for he learn not only in classroom but outside or whenever he wants to extend his learning.
E-Learning as Direction with supervision of the teacher. Wherein the learner will have an internal control of using the net applicable only for their studies and learning purpose.
E-Learning as Growth. Education is all one with life, life is growth in a sense of insights and understanding through experiences and engaging in different learning facilities. As Education never stops, instead as we grow, it is a non-stop learning. Together with the technology, wherein life is on a fast and changing every now and then. Technology is the application of scientific principle which is based on man’s ideas and discoveries. Discovers what is really present in our world and used as a tool for life’s basic needs such as – television, radio, and computers. Therefore, knowledge itself is unfolding into more extinct to be revealed.


Linggo, Setyembre 18, 2011

Teaching Strategies of Elementary Teachers

Teachers possess enormous responsibility inside their classrooms. They are entrusted with the job of teaching children skills that they will need for their futures. In order to do their job well and with success, teachers must be prepared to teach in all kinds of environments with different types of situations. A teacher must take into account all of the student’s different learning styles, how quickly or slowly a student takes to understand a certain subject, and nowadays, a teacher must understand and adapt to how a child was raised and what culture they grew up in. In the article, “Teaching Middle School Students with Diverse Cultural Backgrounds“, Walter Callahan, discusses different techniques and strategies when teaching a diverse group of students.

In order to teach students, a teacher must understand where they come from and what their beliefs are. Callahan worked in Florida so the article mainly focuses on Hispanic and Haitian cultures. He writes that Haitian and Hispanic cultures might not be accustomed to sitting at individual desks or thinking critically and independently. He also states that in Hispanic cultures it is considered polite to arrive late for an event. This obviously would upset a teacher who does not know this because those students would not think that they were doing anything wrong by attending class tardy. If a teacher were to reprimand the students or mark down their grades, they are more than likely to be confused and not comprehend why they are being treated that way by their teacher. Also in most Hispanic cultures, it is believed that when a child looks directly into an adults’ eyes when they are being spoken to, they are being disrespectful. Callahan writes, “New students from the Haitian and Hispanic cultures have their expectations and behaviors deeply rooted in their cultures- in what is valued as a response and in the respect given the teacher as an imparter of knowledge (Callahan p123). In order for a teacher to be successful in a classroom, they must learn how to teach children from all different backgrounds and what would be most helpful for their students.
A teaching technique that Callahan uses is cooperative-learning groups. In these groups, the students are expected to share ideas and work together. Because Hispanic and Haitian students are not used to sitting at individual desks, the cooperative-learning groups may aid these students in not feeling isolated. Cooperative-learning groups have also been shown to increase self-esteem. Callahan also mentions strategies that permit the teacher to spend extra time with the students individually.
Our nation, especially in California, is getting more and more diverse everyday. It would be easy to ignore that fact and not learn how to work together. When in a classroom, however, it is imperative for teachers to adjust to the diverse cultures that they may have in their classrooms. Just like their students, teachers are constantly learning, too. If they are a good teacher, they are learning about the different cultures and how to accommodate their students so that all of them have the same opportunity to learn. Teachers have a very important job. They, along with the parents, are responsible for shaping young peoples’ minds. In order to do this, they must realize that not everyone learns the same and not everyone comes from the same background, culturally or environmentally. If teachers learn how to adapt to this, then they have successfully learned how to create an excellent learning environment for all of their students.